
  • Ігор Творонович Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, Україна https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9934-2139



Ключові слова:

інклюзія, універсальний дизайн, безбар’єрність, доступність, культура, архітектура


This text describes the development and emergence of the ideas of accessibility, inclusiveness, and universal design in the time of independent Ukraine. The basic principles of universal design developed by R. Mace's team and the initial state of the trend's development within the Ukrainian social and political field (discourse) are described. The difference and local peculiarities of the use of the terms "barrier-free environment", "inclusion" and "universal design", "accessibility" in the Ukrainian social field are also identified and described. Examples are also given and the first material embodiments of accessibility principles in the architectural environment of Ukraine are described. A brief analysis of the possible development of the trend of inclusion and accessibility in the structure of Ukrainian architectural and social discourses is also provided. The increase in the number of people with disabilities caused by natural, social and man-made causes, on the one hand, and the low quality of the culture of universal design of state and public institutions in modern Ukraine, on the other hand, leads to a growing need to introduce a culture of inclusion to address numerous problems that limit inclusiveness. 


Excerpt of a presentation made by Ronald L. Mace, FAIA, at “Designing for the 21st Century: An International Conference on Universal Design,” June 19, 1998, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York. Vylucheno z: https://projects.ncsu.edu/ncsu/design/cud/about_us/usronmace.htm {in English}

The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) Official Website Vylucheno z: https://universaldesign.ie/about-universal-design {in English}

UC Berkley Disability Access & Compliance Official Website Vylucheno z: https://dac.berkeley.edu/services/campus-building-accessibility/universal-designprinciples {in English}

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen Official Website Vylucheno z: https://static.dgnb.de/fileadmin/dgnbsystem/en/districts/criteria/DGNB-Criteria-Districts-SOC2_1_Barrierfree_design.pdf {in English}

European Design for all concept website. Vylucheno z: http://dfaeurope.eu/ {in English}

Universal Design in Ukraine website Vylucheno z: http://ud.org.ua/ {in Ukrainian}

NAPDU website Vylucheno z: http://naiu.org.ua/about-naiu/ {in Ukrainian}

Accessibile Frankivsk project Vylucheno z: http://dostup.mvk.if.ua/ Accessibile Frankivsk project {in Ukrainian}

RESOURCE CENTER “BARRIER-FREE UKRAINE” Vylucheno z: https://rcbu.org.ua/ {in English}

Steinfeld, Edward; Maisel, Jordana, eds. (April 10, 2012). Universal Design: Creating Inclusive Environments. Wiley. pp. 408 pages. {in English}

US Access Board Acts and Standards.website Vylucheno z: https://www.access-board.gov/the-board/laws/rehabilitation-act-of-1973#508 {in English}

ViRa Games studio Vylucheno z: http://www.viragames.com/about/ {in Ukrainian}

Per-Olof H. I have never been universal / Hedvall Per-Olof. – 2013. Vylucheno z:

https://www.bufdir.no/Global/nbbf/universell_utforming/Trends_in_Universal_Design.PDF. {in English}

Open International University "Ukraine" website Vylucheno z: http://en.vmurol.com.ua/ {in Ukrainian}

UNDP website Vylucheno z: http://www.ua.undp.org/content/ukraine/en/home.html {in Ukrainian}

NC State University Vylucheno z: //www.ncsu.edu/ {in English}

Conference “UD today” Vylucheno z: http://universaldesign.today/ {in English}

Volodimir Azin` website Vylucheno z: http://gar.org.ua/ {in Ukrainian}

National Paralympic Committee website Vylucheno z: https://www.paralympic.org/ukraine {in Ukrainian}

Invictrus Games in Ukraine Vylucheno z: https://invictusgames.in.ua/ {in Ukrainian}

Youtube Channel Television of Toronto website Vylucheno z: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOWNkHTFkkpOYIE_WEZdF9uiFvEggHL0U {in Ukrainian}

SBID Ukraine website Vylucheno z: http://sbid.org.ua/ {in English}

Accessible UA Initiative Vylucheno z: http://dostupnoua.org/ {in Ukrainian}

KNUCA website Vylucheno z: http://www.knuba.edu.ua/eng/ {in English}




Як цитувати

Творонович, І. (2024). ЗАРОДЖЕННЯ ІДЕЙ УНІВЕРСАЛЬНОГО ДИЗАЙНУ В УКРАЇНІ. Містобудування та територіальне планування, (85), 625–636. https://doi.org/10.32347/2076-815x.2024.85.625-636


